5 alternative therapies to heal your body

The alternative medicine It focuses on the health of the mind and body. It is common that when you have emotional problems your body reacts with some type of disease. For example, if you have problems with your partner , maybe your back hurts, you have headache , etc., since the body expresses in one way or another something that is affecting the mind .

In an interview for GetQoralHealth , the wellness expert and lecturer Deborah King, explains the benefits of alternative medicine:

However, there are therapies of the alternative medicine which are based on the importance of the relationship between mind and the body. They focus not on attacking the symptoms but on seeking to balance the cause of the problems that affect you. GetQoralHealth tells you what these are therapies .

1. Display: It is a technique that uses the creation of images in the mind for the purpose of healing and healing. It is currently used in the treatment of Cancer to reduce the symptoms, also for the management of stress , and to reduce anxiety . The most striking of all is that it has no negative effect.

2. Meditation: It helps you relax physically and mentally, allows you to control your thoughts and emotions. Medically it is used in cases of high pressure , anxiety , stress , fibromyalgia Y asthma . Dhyan Gulistan and Nirdosh Eidels explain in the following video more benefits of the meditation :

3. Musico-therapy: Is therapy It is a procedure in which music is used to enter states of relaxation. It is used in patients with Alzheimer's , autism , Y depression . It also helps to relax and reduce the stress .

4. Breathing: Learn to manage your breathing can is useful in cases like nausea , threw up , high pressure and of course the anxiety and the stress .

5. Prayer: Although assessing spirituality in scientific studies is not an easy task to solve, some studies have found positive results in cases of Cancer and diseases related to the function of the immune system.

The options to heal your mind and your body are very varied, you can experiment with the therapy which best suits your needs without the risk of having side effects. Remember that the mind It is a great ally to have good Health .


Video Medicine: 432 Hz - Deep Healing Music for The Body & Soul - DNA Repair, Relaxation Music, Meditation Music (April 2024).