4 tips that help you lose weight

Lose weight it does not only imply diet Y exercise ; mentally and socially your life is influenced when you are under a diet for lose weight .

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the USA suggests that most people, when they focus on lose weight , they neglect their social life, their finances and their time. However, 76% are less likely to lose weight when they neglect these areas of their life compared to those that maintained a balance.

So you do not neglect your lifestyle GetQoralHealth suggests the following recommendations

1. Lose weight without losing your friends: reduce calories decreases your production of serotonin (Wellness hormone), which causes you to walk bad-tempered and therefore your friends flee from you. To avoid it, find a balance between your physical activity and the calories that your body requires daily, this way you can distribute them equally so as not to have drastic mood changes.

2. Lose weight without staying bankrupt: Eating healthy means a significant investment of your income, as healthy foods are increasingly expensive. So that does not happen to you, establish a weekly menu so you can prepare your dishes at home. Going to the super is cheaper than eating daily in restaurants.

3. Lose weight without losing time: A recent study suggests that 41% of women mentioned not having time to eat better. However, it is more productive to spend two hours on the weekend in planning your meals weekly and preparing them yourself. In this way you save time and kilos long term.

4. Lose weight without losing your lifestyle: caring for your figure does not mean you should live in the gym, think all the time exercise Y diet It may be counterproductive. Experts suggest forgetting extreme regimes in favor of small changes. It is easier to change a cookie for a fruit than a whole meal for lettuce and water. If you make small modifications it will be easier to be constant and see results.

Finally do not forget, have a balanced diet and perform physical activity minimum three times a week for 30 or 20 minutes. To strengthen your muscles bet on the exercises of resistance, in this way you will look a toned silhouette.

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