4 nuts that rejuvenate your skin

They say that beauty costs and when it comes to having a face free of imperfections there are numerous cares that you must have, among them to choose properly foods that you consume and include nuts that rejuvenate the skin .


The nuts contribute about 8% of the antioxidants of the food consumed daily and because it is a rich source of proteins and alpha-linolenic acid, which protect and revitalize skin , should be included more frequently in all subsistence allowance , it states Joe Vinson, Professor, Department of Chemistry, University of Scranton .

Perfect allies for your skin

1. Hazelnut. Epidemiological and clinical studies, support that these fruits are a natural source of Vitamin E powerful antioxidant that protects the skin from the actions of free radicals that cause premature aging of the skin, explains the American Academy of Dermatology .


To enhance its benefits to the health of your skin , the recommended ration is 25g to the day , five times a week. You can combine it in sauces, salads, fruit, cereals or yoghurts.

A cup of hazelnuts has almost 90% of the recommended daily dose of Vitamin E , that according to the American Institute of Health It should be around 15 milligrams up to date.

2. Plum passes. This is a healthy and practical food to eat away from home. Its high content of Vitamin E Y beta carotene they contribute antioxidants that protect from the attack of free radicals , which is why it is recommended to avoid the loss of elasticity of the skin and premature wrinkles.

According to the nutritionist Marie-Alix Rose , specialized in diabetes, a woman can consume four to five prunes goes on day as dessert or at breakfast.

3. Date. It is a powerful food that only the extract of the bone contains provitamin A , Vitamin E , policosanols, phytosteroids, ursolic acid and isofla-vonas, substances with properties anti-aging and act as a barrier that protect the skin of the sun and air.

So that your face obtains the Benefits that contribute the dates , it is advisable to eat from five to seven rations every day, preferably in fasting .

4. Almonds. The United States Department of Federal Agriculture confirms that almonds are a rich source of Vitamin E powerful antioxidant that fights the aging of the skin .

The recommended consumption is 20 to 25 almonds daily, this amounts to 50% of the recommended daily consumption of Vitamin E , not only to have a skin healthy, but also to decrease the risk of developing heart disease .

These are powerful allies for a face very well taken care of and free of wrinkles , consume them regularly for better Benefits , but do not abuse them because they are very caloric that could influence your weight. Go ahead and include them in your diet Daily and looks beautiful!