Drinks to calm hunger

If you are on the healthy path to go down ofweight and looking for options in your diet for reduce the appetite there is drinks for to calm the hungry which are rich in protein, fiber and other nutrients that satisfy you.


Have a Balance of proteins , fiber , water and minerals is important for the construction of any kind of healthy drinks ", He says Gena Hamshaw , certified nutritionist in United States.


Drinks to calm hunger

1. Milk A study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition explains that the milk contains protein , whey and casein that increase the satiety . They also consider that lactose helps reduce the appetite . Prefer the light.

2. water of cress. Because of its high content of fiber (0.5 g per 100 grams), the water of cress is recommended to control the hungry for more time In a liter of water let stand 45g of disinfected watercress. Drink five tablespoons before each meal.

3. Black coffee. The caffeine it helps you better metabolic work and it is a suppressor of hungry . Try to try a cup or two a day without sugar to control hunger. Take into account that its effect can be maintained three hours after drinking it, says one investigation .

4. Vegetable juice. When people drink a glass of vegetable juice before eating they consume up to 135 calories less, so it is considered a powerful suppressor of appetite which also provides vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, explain researchers of the Penn State University in United States.

5. Water from marine algae extracts. A study published in the Obesity magazine explains that the drinks with high levels of alginate they work like suppressors of the appetite . People who drank drinks with high doses of alginate reduced between 20% and 30% their desire of eat .

6. Banana smoothie Gena Hamshaw recommends a liquefied banana , milk almonds , a cup of spinach fresh This drink is effective for control the hungry .

7. Green tea. The catechins of green tea control blood glucose levels and insulin, explain researchers of the University of Maastricht in Holland. When your blood sugar level is stable, you are less likely to feel hungry or a vacuum in the stomach.

It is important to consider that these drinks They should not replace meals, not even breakfast, since they do not provide all the nutrients you need. They are just a complement for reduce the hungry Y control the cravings of the day

Video Medicine: How to STOP Cravings | 8 Natural Appetite Suppressants That Work (April 2024).