10 reasons to practice therapeutic yoga

The yoga Its purpose is to improve body alignment . Although the asanas (postures) are the same, there is a branch of this discipline, which focuses on people having a healthier body. This is the purpose of therapeutic yoga .

In an interview with GetQoralHealthMarcia Hidalgo , instructor of yoga , it states:

"The purpose of yoga is to improve the alignment of the body. In this practice, internal organs are pressed, which generates that they stimulate and help the proper functioning of certain organs. Therapeutic yoga is the type of yoga that focuses on groups of people who have been injured, operated or have some type of injury, but any type of yoga will always be beneficial for the body. "

This millenary practice is recommended by health professionals, for children, adolescents, adults and the elderly. Some of the benefits of yoga are:


  1. Relieves tension and decreases anxiety
  2. The relaxation and concentration calm the mind
  3. Improves posture and body flexibility
  4. Promotes the development of memory and attention
  5. Relieves states depressive
  6. Increases resistance to diseases
  7. Improves communication with others
  8. It favors the self esteem
  9. Expands the field of consciousness
  10. Drive the good nasal breathing

Hidalgo, reiterates that the yoga It is a very noble discipline, which requires discipline and must always be done with the advice of a teacher, to avoid future injuries: "Yoga is a lifestyle. We must begin to listen to our body and gradually move forward. Our internal changes are our physical reflection. " See the photo gallery .

Video Medicine: Yoga Therapy for Health and Healing A Daily Practice (April 2024).