4 keys to a spiritual relationship

A Relationship Healthy favors the personal growth of the members, which generates an emotional, spiritual and sexual openness. To prevent monotony from ending with love it is necessary to nurture with details, words, caresses and expressions the affection they feel for their partner.

According to information published in MindBodyGreen and Good Health When a spiritual relationship is achieved, promoted by the Tibetan Buddhist teachings, people become allies to promote and highlight their abilities and successes. To achieve a closer emotional bond, we give you the following keys:

1.- Express yourself: All people have wounds in love, which heal over time and are overcome when the love of their life appears; However, during this journey you must discover everything that hurts you and try to transform these weaknesses into strengths. With this, your insecurities will end and you will enjoy a pleasant relationship. In case there is any doubt in the relationship, discuss it with your partner so that both can help each other and find a solution.

2.- Be transparent: Honesty is a commitment you have in a Relationship . Express all your feelings and desires, to avoid misunderstandings for not hurting susceptibilities.

3.- Troubleshooting: Maintain a positive attitude to any problem that arises and not think that the relationship is about to end. When a real commitment to fix the situation is shown, a level of personal and spiritual growth is reflected.

4.- Sexual link: Intimate relationships strengthen the couple's relationship, that is, they are the spiritual medicine of people. When a person agrees to have sex with someone else, not only is physical contact offered, but the mind and spirit at the same time intervene. That is, there is a physical, psychological exchange of energies of life and polarities, attitudes and karma.

To have a Relationship full and spiritual should work together to fully develop in all aspects, as well as commit to love and respect all those around them. And you, do you have a spiritual relationship?

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Video Medicine: THE 5 LAWS OF A SPIRITUAL RELATIONSHIP (April 2024).