3 factors that damage a relationship

The failure of a relationship is related to how to choose it and how to establish loving relationships with people who usually attract their way of being, according to psychology-online.com

When a couple's relationship fails, it generates feelings of guilt and low self-esteem , regardless of who has the greatest responsibility for the problems. It is then when an examination of conscience is presented, where the factors that intervened are analyzed.

In this regard, the doctor Shiri Cohen, from Harvard Medical School , who seeks to understand the mechanisms of empathy in the couple, explains that currently a relationship is predisposed to failure when:

1. They do not express their feelings . Men are satisfied when they share their happiness, while women are satisfied when their partners express their frustration and discomfort.

These are the conclusions of the study led by the researcher, who explains that if within a couple both members do not express what they feel, it determines that the other or another will take for granted things that will ultimately cause a break.

2. Pornography It is the most common obstacle cited in many of the relationships between young men and women. Women say that men are emotionally inaccessible, while they do not show interest in the relationship when they are entangled with the pornography, Explain Jim Wysong , author of the book "The Neutering of the American Male ".

3. Social networks . According to statements from the couples therapist in San Diego, Estes Jennine , for him Hoffingpost , the facebook and other networks They have become a source of contention within relationships.

In fact, it is very common to hear in the courts of divorce about issues such as jealousy, infidelity, coercion of freedom of expression, repression, and even verbal (written) violence and social networks .

In this regard, he explains that being well in pairs is possible, but that care must be taken since it is not the same as needing to have a relationship. Therefore, you must distinguish between needing to love and loving out of necessity.

Remember, although it is possible to prevent the deterioration of a relationship, it is also not good to start obsessing with it, much less to fear breaking or loneliness.

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