10 tips for healthy ears

The visit to otolaryngologist , to perform a review and cleaning, it must be done at least once a year, especially if you are over 40 years of age; In these cases, the ideal is to apply a audiometry (It is an exam that has the purpose of ciphering the alterations of the hearing in relation to the acoustic stimuli).

According to the Mexican Association for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Deafness , this hearing consultation is recommended to be practiced every 6 or 8 months, in case of being a patient with diabetes , hypertension Y cholesterol . Therefore, this association gives you the following tips to take care of your ears:

1. Do not enter any object in this area . The use of the finger, feathers and swabs (cotonetes), are not the ideal mechanisms to protect and clean this area of ​​the body. two. Do not place items such as garlic cigars or any other vegetable , in order to "feel better", if you have any auditory discomfort. 3. When you visit the otolaryngologist, tell him not to prescribe ototoxic medicines (which damage the ear), since most are included in the group of antibiotics . 4. Avoid exposure to strong sources of noise like speakers, microphones, headphones and go too much to clubs, concerts and stadiums.

5. It is recommended that you stay only for short periods in areas such as the public road, factories, industrial zones. If this is necessary, use earplugs to muffle noise and protect your hearing.

6. Do not self-medicate, or put drops of any kind, but it is under medical prescription , because the tympanic membrane can be perforated and any application is harmful to hearing. 7 In the presence of a wax plug (match) , it is recommended that you visit an auditory health expert, so that it is he who extracts it from you, since the doctor has the equipment and the necessary experience to clean your hearing without causing you harm.

8. Do not immerse yourself in contaminated water or where there is doubt about the quality of these ; You are likely to acquire an infection, not only in this area of ​​the body, but also in the respiratory tract and eyes. 9. Avoid applying hydrogen peroxide, mineral oil , sweet almond oil, alcohol, saline solution, eye drops, ointments, plant substances or any other.

10. Take care of children to prevent the introduction of seeds, collar beads or materials into the outer ear.

To learn more about how to take care of your hearing health, we tell you that this will be done Saturday, October 22 the second workshop for parents, entitled: The importance of hearing, which is completely free and will take place from 08:00 to 14:00 hrs in the Auditorium of the Hospital Juárez de México . For more information: info@dxtx-sordera.org and to the telephones: 55-64-78-35 / 75.

Remember that before any discomfort, it is best to go with an otolaryngologist, to prevent and treat any ailment.

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Video Medicine: Is Your Hearing At Risk? Tips to Protect Your Ears (May 2024).