10 tips for clean hands and nails

Like the face, impeccable hands always make a good impression. Therefore, we must pay special attention and try to keep them always in perfect condition, because there is nothing more unpleasant than a person with dirty and messy nails.

In GetQoralHealth we tell you how to maintain an impeccable appearance of your hands.

1. To have white nails, immerse them in a container of hydrogen peroxide for 5 minutes and make a massage soft with a thick bristle brush.

2. Avoid cutting your nails with scissors because they flake. It is best to do it with a good nail clipper and then soften the edges with a cardboard file.

3. Avoid metal sandpapers, which are very abrasive and damage the nails.

4. If your nails are scaled try submerging them every night in olive oil. If they continue to shrink it may be due to the lack of some mineral or vitamin in your diet , so it would be convenient to eat dairy products such as milk, cheese, or yogurt.

Here is a video that shows you how to do a manicure at home:

5. If you want to have strong nails consume foods that contain minerals, iodine, proteins Y vitamins . There are also highly recommended garlic-based treatments.

6. To prevent the nails from drying out and breaking, use an oil-based nail polish remover; do not use acetone.

7. Before starting the manicure you must disinfect hands and nails. Soak your hands in warm water and soap for a few minutes to soften the cuticle and the dirt that has settled in the cracks around and under the nails.

8. Gently rub nails with a soft cloth or special brush to remove dirt. Make sure you clean the surface and the bottom of each nail. If there is any dirt that the brush can not reach, remove it gently with a toothpick.

9. Avoid blowing them so that the enamel dries, the humidity of the breath causes that it does not fix on the nails. If you want a quick drying, put your hands in the refrigerator for a few moments or apply a drying blot.

10. Make homemade masks to make your hands look soft. For example: grate a very thin potato and add a little yogurt, making a kind of paste that will serve to apply it. Rub it well in your hands and let it act for 15 minutes.

It is recommended to do a manicure at least once a month, this way you will look beautiful and healthy hands.

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Video Medicine: Nail Care Hacks EVERYONE Should Know! (May 2024).