10 keys for a multitasking woman

The phrases are familiar: "Women can do several things at the same time" or "you are a multitasking woman." This is a reality, since several studies reveal that they have the ability to perform multiple tasks at the same time, without neglect any of these.

However, the psychologist Leticia García, from the Patient Assistance Clinic of the Psychoanalytic Society of Mexico (SPM) It indicates that the behavior of a multitasking woman puts at risk the quality of the tasks, as well as the physical and mental health of the people.

"Yes, you can do multitasking, but the quality of the actions is questioned. The concentration must be 100% in one activity, while the others are done automatically, that is, they do not need much attention, "explains Leticia García.


10 keys for a multitasking woman

The current pace of life has led women to perform several tasks at once, to optimize time and to meet their needs, however, this behavior can cause physical and mental health problems such as anxiety, stress, weakness of the immune system and chronic fatigue

Therefore, to improve the quality of life of a multitasking woman and avoid the accumulated frustrations, the psychologist Leticia García offers you the following keys:

1. Comprehensive evaluation. Analyze what you have and what you would like to change in different areas of your life (personal, couple, work, family) and think of actions to improve those aspects.

2. Set priorities. Decide what is most important to you and establish schedules to focus your attention on them. For example, if a priority is your family, set schedules that you will dedicate completely to them, without getting distracted by other things.

3. Check your emotions and your health. Do you feel full with what you do? Are you 100% healthy? It is normal for the multitasking woman to neglect these aspects and be overcome by fatigue and personal frustration. Get an annual medical check and express yourself.

4. Recharge Spend some time for yourself to be energized and prevent the negative effects of multitasking such as stress and fatigue. Disconnect completely to find yourself and recover your happiness or give yourself a relaxing massage.

5. Set limits. Having schedules to carry out your work and personal activities will improve your productivity and quality of life. Do not let work absorb your personal space.

6. Learn to negotiate. Talk to people around you to clarify the time you will be available to settle work or personal issues.

7. Say no. When you learn to say no to the things you do not like or can not do, you will feel more relieved and relaxed. You will focus on the activities that really interest you and avoid problems with others.

8. Quality time. Enjoying your loved ones will give you the optimism necessary to carry out your activities. When you are with your family, turn off the cell phone or technological devices that distract you and concentrate on having incredible moments with them.

9. Organize your activities. Make an action plan, list your priorities and analyze the steps to follow to perform everything in an optimal time. For example, on the way to your home you can end some work calls or communicate with your family to initiate contact with them.

10. Draw personal projects. It is essential that a multitasking woman have plans that she enjoys and that stimulate her personal growth. Learn languages ​​or read a book.

The psychologist Leticia García ensures that multitasking can be done when they do not demand 100% attention from people such as household chores; however, it should be avoided in situations that demand decision making. And you, are you a multitasking woman?

Video Medicine: 12 Main Differences Between Men and Women (May 2024).