Why does it make you sleepy after eating?

"Like and it makes me sleepy, I wake up and I feel hungry", do you sound familiar? It is common among family members, friends or even ourselves to refer to feeling sleepy after finishing our meals.


Why does it make you sleepy after eating?

Previously this sensation was attributed to the energetic desgate of the body during the digestive process. But nevertheless, Denis Burdakov , researcher in University of Manchester, England It indicates that the real reason for the sleep we feel after the meal is in the variations of blood glucose as a result of the food eaten.

Glucose lowers orexins that are peptides produced by specialized neurons located in the hypothalamus that participate in the regulation of the daily sleep cycle and wakefulness in the control of appetite. Therefore in GetQoralHealth we present some recommendations to keep you well awake after your food.


Do not sleep!

1. Avoid foods rich in carbohydrates.

2. Avoid foods rich in fat.

3. Eat foods rich in protein.

4. Do not drink alcoholic beverages during the meal.

5. Sleep according to your age (adults between 7 and 8 hrs).

This interaction between glucose and orexins is also responsible for insomnia when hungry.
There may be other causes that generate sleep after eating, such as narcolepsy or simply the need to rest after sleeplessness. Do not forget the importance of a balanced diet and sufficient rest. Beware!

Video Medicine: sleepy after eating turkey - myth or truth? (May 2024).