Why do red spots appear?

Few dermatologists know its origin. Although they are not dangerous, moles reds alert that there is a hormonal cause that makes you fat. It is more frequent that there is an imbalance of hormones when these symptoms appear:

1. Many moles red
2. Hair loss and greasy root
3. Wake up without hunger but feel anxiety at 4:30 PM


Why do red spots appear?

In addition to determining the fate of sugar, the insulin It is responsible for promoting growth. That is to say, when adding a few drops of insulin everything begins to multiply slowly.

Every decade new signs of exaggerated growth appear. At 20 years old moles red, then in the folds of the neck and armpits sprout warts (acrochordons) and a dark spot called acanthosis nigricans.

If the insulin increases during pregnancy is more common to have melasma (dark coloration on the face), and if still the problem remains unresolved at 40 years appear fibroids or myomas (muscle growth of the uterus) and several years later polyps in the endometrium . Finally, at age 70, a bluish circle appears around the iris of the eye called senile halo.

Signs of growth stimulated by high insulin

1. Moles red (ruby polka dots)
2. Acrochordons (warts on the neck)
3. Acanthosis nigricans (dark coloration on neck)
4. Melasma (dark coloring on the face)
5. Myomas (growth of the muscle of the uterus)
6. Endometrial polyps (thickening of the endometrium)
7. Senile halo (blue circle around the iris of the eye)

The effect of insulin in the growth it was discovered in a remote village of Ecuador. Its inhabitants have a genetic error that prevents it from stimulating growth. They have never had moles reds, ni warts in the neck, and its inhabitants only measure 1.20 mt. of height.


Treatment of red polka dots

Make the diagnosis of insulin resistance It is crucial to decide the best treatment to lose weight. Men who get fat because of low testosterone or women with hypothyroidism, just have to have a blood test to determine it.

However, measure the insulin It is almost useless and the diagnosis is made with the symptoms and some signs on the skin, that is why the red spots are as important as the other symptoms of insulin resistance .