Jobs is inspiration against an illness

He is a man who changed the way he saw the lives of millions of people, and who shared his ideas and thoughts. After being diagnosed with pancreatic cancerSteve Jobs , founder of Manzana , he said: "Remembering that I will die soon is the most important tool I have found to help me decide the great choices of my life, because almost everything; all external expectations, all the pride , all the fear of shame or to failure , all that disappears at the doors of the death , leaving only that which is really important ".

According to information published in the portal of Mac Genius , after good and bad times in his life, Jobs expressed his feelings through some phrases that today are an example of struggle to face the lifetime .

  • "If you live every day as if it were the last, someday without a doubt, you will be right." It made a deep impression on me, and since then, for the past 33 years, I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: "If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am going to do today? And if the answer is not for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something. "
  • Your time is limited, so do not waste it living someone else's life. Do not get caught up in the dogma, which is to live as others think you should live. Do not let the noises of others' opinions silence your own inner voice. And, what is more important, have the courage to do what your heart and you intuition .
  • Being the richest man in the cemetery is not what matters most to me. Going to bed at night saying "we have done something wonderful" is what really worries me.

Regarding the issue of death , the genius of technology proved to be a man without fears and with clear ideas:

"Nobody wants die . Even people who want to go to heaven do not want to die to go there. And yet the death is the destination that we all share No one has escaped from it. And that's how it should be, because the death is possibly the best invention of the lifetime . It is the agent of change. Removes the old to make way for the new. Right now the new thing is you, but some day not very far away, gradually you will be old and you will be eliminated. I'm sorry for being so dramatic, but it's very true. "

For Rocío Rocha , director of Logotherapy Institute , a disease is a great opportunity to enrich life.After having a diagnosis, it is normal to go through a duel with all the stages of it.

The last stage is acceptance; if you let yourself flow and you allow yourself to be sad or angry you will reach it; Accepting illness is the only way to make sense of it.

Rocha indicated that an illness forces us to take care of ourselves, because thanks to it we will be more aware of our feeding , of our fatigue , of the need exercise , of drinking water , of sleep and to learn to relax ; that is, illness teaches us to be more loving with ourselves.

It also forces us to be more thoughtful Y deep , it induces us to think about our death , and thinking about it can save us the lifetime. In this way we will learn to give importance to what is important and to trivialize the trivial.

The psychologist said that the only way to find meaning can be by asking two questions about the disease: What have I stopped doing from this one ?, and, what am I doing in front of this suffering?

The election is own. Steve Jobs It is a clear example that thepancreatic cancer He suffered, it was not an obstacle to continue his dreams and enjoy every moment of his life.

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