Why do we gain weight?

Although Mexico is the number one country in obesity Y overweight At the global level (both in adults and children), little action is still taken to reverse these statistics, butwhy do we gain weight ?

In an interview for GetQoralHealth the doctor Luis Jesús Dorado Panameño , director of Metabolic Medicine Center of Mexico City , explains the main reasons:

1. Be fasting . Magazine American Journal of Clinical Nutrition reveals that both children and adults who skip breakfast tend to eat worse and lead a more sedentary life. They also tend to have higher cholesterol and insulin levels and, therefore, have a higher tendency to suffer diabetes Y heart disease .

2. Eat a lot of sodium . The excess of this product generates problems in blood pressure (hypertension ), overweight , heart diseases, cerebrovascular accidents Y gastresophageal cancer .

3. Abuse of the lights products. According to the metabolic health expert, the problem is that people do not "read the nutritional labels"; they only see the calories, but leave aside the amount of sodium, fat, etc. and think that they are not caloric and when consumed in excess, it is useless to take care of the figure.

4. Your partner snores. After a night without a deep rest, because of snoring, increases the appetite and preference for sweet foods (carbohydrates ). Also, lack of sleep causes insulin resistance.

An alternative to start reducing the extra kilos is to have a protein diet. In this regard, the Dorado doctor points out:

"Currently there is a weight reduction plan, based on a protein diet prescription, which is offering significant benefits for the patient and is called mPronoka l; It is a personalized and safe program for all patients. "

This method can be used by people from 14 to 65 years of age and can be lose weight, on average, 6 kilos per month. The cost of this service varies, but ranges from 7 thousand pesos per month.

Video Medicine: Why do we get fat - Why do we gain weight as we get older? (May 2024).