What to do in the event of a tornado

As a result of high temperatures registered may trigger the development of various hurricanes, but what can we do in case another twister.

About, Jesús Macías Medrano , disaster expert, Center for Research and Higher Studies in Social Anthropology (CIESAS), indicates that it is urgent to create a meteorological system that monitors these phenomena:

"In the case of tornadoes, it is suggested that you go to a safe place like a basement or a room in the center of the house, without windows if possible, you need to have an emergency alert, the time factor is key."

In countries such as the United States, where the presence of tornadoes is common, the following is suggested:


  1. Fill the gas tank of all cars
  2. Buy or store drinking water for 3 days (approximately 10 liters per person)
  3. Secure all patio material that can become projectile
  4. Safeguard pets with enough water and food
  5. Move to a shelter; if the authorities request it
  6. Fit the protections (tormenteras)
  7. Secure doors and windows exposed to the outside
  8. Cut electricity, water and gas to prevent short circuits or leaks.
  9. If objects fall by force of the hurricane, locate under a table or other stable object that offers protection
  10. Do not use the phone unless absolutely necessary
  11. Avoid using matches until you are sure there are no gas leaks
  12. Do not go barefoot

Here we present a recording made by video-aficionado in Ecatepec, where two tornadoes were presented on June 1, 2015:

The key to any natural phenomenon is prevention; In Mexico there is little culture of that, but we must be prepared to prevent them from causing us more harm. Remember that staying calm is key to acting more effectively. Meet our list of Emergencies and protect yourself.

Video Medicine: How to stay safe in a tornado (April 2024).