What can increase them?

It is an unequivocal sign that the time is approaching, but that does not mean that it is at the right time, since there are things that can increase or advance contractions during pregnancy, putting our lives and the baby's life at risk ...


What can increase them?

A woman may experience contractions from the first months of pregnancy, due to the stretching of the ligaments that surround the uterus; However, if they are very frequent, they are accompanied by pain and bleeding, they are a warning signal.

Although it can also mean that you are doing some of these things:


1. Breastfeed

Breastfeeding while you are pregnant with another baby can increase abdominal discomfort.


2. Sweet cravings

The sugar that reaches the baby through the umbilical cord over stimulates it causing it to move more inside the stomach, deriving its movements in contractions.


3. Making love

Although in most cases it is not dangerous, but advisable, during the excitement process the pelvic muscles relax which can lead to discomfort in the uterus.


4. Urinary infections

The urinary infection is caused by the invasion of microorganisms in the urinary system (urethra, bladder and kidney). In addition to making urine more acidic, this type of infection is related to a higher risk of premature delivery.

It is important that before any change in pregnancy we go to the doctor, since this is the only one that can indicate if this alteration is normal or not. Your health is also your responsibility!


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