Warning signs

Being a bit stressed can be positive because it helps you stay alert, however when the stress is chronic can generate problems like anxiety , insomnia, muscle pain and a weakened immune system, affirms the American Psychological Association . But, what is it about?

The stress It is often described as a feeling of overwhelm, worry and exhaustion, which affects people of any age and gender. It is divided into types depending on its duration: acute and chronic , the latter is more serious, indicates the University of Maryland Medical Center .

So you know what is the chronic stress , in the next video Eduardo Calixto , chief neurologist of the department of neurobiology of the National Institute of Psychiatry "Ramón de la Fuente Muñiz" , explains everything you need in detail.


Warning signs

To identify when the stress it has become chronic These are some of the warning signs that should be evaluated.

1. Altered sleep. There are nightmares, insomnia or feeling of permanent drowsiness.

2. Startling. That they become a frequent reaction to any stimulus , as it may be a slight noise.

3. Null pleasure. It refers to the loss of the ability to feel pleasure for everyday activities.

4. Change in the diet. The foods that before provoking satisfaction or craving no longer cause it, the habits food are altered.

5. Irritability. When there is interaction with other people is a mood common before the comments they make.

6. Low defenses. The immune system does not react in the same way for the chronic stress It is easier to get sick.

7. Different personality. Attitudes of depersonalization, with behaviors of disaffection and estrangement from loved ones are frequent.

Among the immediate measures you can take to combat the chronic stress they find themselves having a routine dream , that is to say to lie down to the same hour and to sleep eight hours, to have a healthy feeding and to realize physical activity , indicates the American Psychological Association.

When the chronic stress is part of your life it is important that you consult a specialist to find the best option that fits your Lifestyle . Do not get used to living with him, you have all the options to be happy and learn to overcome problems.

Video Medicine: Boosie Badazz - Warning Signs (Audio) (May 2024).