Cost of a single unfortunate event

This May 31, the World Health Organization (WHO) commemorates World No Tobacco Day . During this celebration, the organism remembers and points out the risks and high costs of what causes smoking.

This is the impact you can have in your pocket: 1 box of 20 cigarettes costs on average 42 pesos in Mexico. If you smoke a daily box a month, you will spend 1,260 pesos. The year will be 15,120 pesos. In five years you will have spent 75,600 pesos on average. Everything is part of those that causes smoking.

Smoking costs the global economy 500 billion dollars a year, in indirect medical expenses, loss of productivity and environmental damage.

In the case of Mexico, the Mexican Council Against Smoking (CMCT) notes that in 2009, the state spent 45 billion pesos annually, related to tobacco consumption. But only part of the costs derived from caring for diseases attributable to tobacco are absorbed by smokers, and the rest by society.


Cost of a single unfortunate event

Among many other ills, between what causes smoking is a cardiac arrest. The total cost of transportation by ambulance, catheterization, intensive care stay, specialist medical fees and days of hospitalization, can range from 500 thousand to 2 million pesos in an average hospital in Mexico City.

Since you start smoking you will be exposed to nicotine, which is one of the psychoactive components responsible for tobacco addiction. To make matters worse, tobacco smoke contains carcinogenic elements.

When smoking, we produce carbon monoxide that causes the decrease of oxygen to each of the tissues of our body.

Your vitamin A levels will be reduced, which will directly affect your collagen and elastin production, the quantity and quality will be reduced. You will have dry skin, hair loss and premature aging.

But not only the active smoker lives the consequences of what causes smoking, because passive smokers are also affected.

Other evils that tobacco addiction carries:

1. Anxiety
2. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
3. Pulmonary fibrosis
4. Lung cancer
5. Larynx cancer
6. Ischemic heart disease
7. Low sex life
8. High risk of abortion
9. Premature delivery
10. In infants, birth defects
11. Infertility
12. Asthma attack (passive smoker)
13. Severe lung damage (passive smoker)

Data of the WHO They point out that tobacco kills almost 6 million people a year around the world. In the case of Mexico, at least 60 thousand people die annually from diseases related to tobacco consumption. And this, is only part of what causes smoking ...

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Video Medicine: A Series of Unfortunate Events Medley - Accordion/Cello (April 2024).