Arsenic warning in processed juices

High levels of arsenic were found in some samples of apple juice and grapes, according to a study conducted by Consumer Reports.

The information published in The Huffington Post notes that approximately 10% of the samples of these juices contain high levels of arsenic , that surpass the standards established by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA for its acronym in English) for drinking water, which is 10 parts per billion.

According to an analysis of Fox News , researchers applied 88 samples of apple and grape juice in New York and New Jersey.Consumer Reports, revealed that several brands of apple juice contain arsenic levels that are harmful to the public, such as Apple & EveGreat Valueof Wal-Mart and Mott.Walgreens and grape juices Welch.

The concern lies in the chronic effects that can trigger in health due to the high levels of arsenic, especially in children and young people, who have the habit of consuming this type of products.


Effects of arsenic on health

It is one of the most toxic elements for the human being, who is exposed to it through food, water and air. Exposure to it may be higher for people who drink significant amounts of wine, and also for those who live in houses that contain wood preservatives.

Too much arsenic could cause infertility Y abortions in women; generate skin damage, loss of resistance to infections , heart problems, and brain injuries in men and women.

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Video Medicine: Apple juice, arsenic link: Is it legit? (April 2024).