Vitamin D vs osteoporosis

A recent investigation of the University of Massachusetts suggests that high levels of vitamin D in the blood reduce the risk of osteoporosis .

The vitamin D It is found in many foods such as fish, egg, fortified milk and cod liver oil. Exposing yourself to the sun for no more than 10 minutes a day increases the production of vitamin D in the body.

In the next video, the Dr. Lara Miechi explain for GetQoralHealth what is the osteoporosis :

The vitamin D improves the absorption of calcium increases the Bone density and decreases the risk of fractures. Its biological function is to maintain the level of calcium and phosphorus in the blood .

Specialists mention that in addition, the vitamin D provides protection against hypertension , Cancer and some autoimmune diseases. The rickets and the osteomalacia are diseases caused by the lack of vitamin D.

In adults, the deficiency of vitamin D can lead to osteomalacia , which causes muscle weakness, in addition to weak bones. The groups at greatest risk of deficiency vitamin D with older adults, obese and women.

To avoid these deficiencies it is recommended to include in the diet foods rich in vitamin D. Currently there are supplements that help you get the daily recommendations for healthy bones.

Video Medicine: Vitamin D Toxicity Rare in People Who Take Supplements, Mayo Clinic Researchers Report (May 2024).