Turn off the switch!

The sensation of living in "automatic" is reflected in the state of mind and body; in the first, you become a negative person, in someone who likes criticize everything and emphasize the mistakes of others; In addition, you find yourself in the constant search for an easy way out of your problems. In the second, you experience fatigue and symptoms of illness that suddenly appear and disappear, "says Alcalá.

Why it happens? Without realizing it, you let the routine take control of your life; example, you go to school or work, you eat, you study or you make earrings, you comb your hair, you brush your teeth ... You perform the same actions day after day without really enjoying them.


Turn off the switch!

For the expert Omar Alcalá it's easy to realize that you live "automatically":


When you are in traffic, waiting for public transport or the subway, you instantly experience a sense of anguish and anxiety to get to your home. You get desperate, and you even start to get angry and mentally reproach those you think are guilty of your situation, "says the expert.

With the aim of leaving behind this "automatic" state, Alcalá offers you the following tips:


1. Recognize the state in which you are

Then look for immediate, positive alternatives that can help you eliminate those negative mental states.


2. Regulate your emotions

Try not to stress yourself, and if you are already releasing the energy. How? Stretch your hands and feet, let your fingers try to touch the sky. Notice that part of your body accumulates more negative energy.

Video Medicine: How to Turn Off the Nintendo Switch? Not Sleep Mode (May 2024).