Top of low carb dinners

So you can sleep well and have a good digestion, Rosa Iselda Yáñez Neri , Coordinator of Nutrition and Dietetics of the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS) of Jalisco, advises having light dinners , low in carbohydrates , fats, condiments and sugars.

The carbohydrates they are nutrients that give Energy to your organism It is important to include them in your food plan, although if you exceed that energy it will accumulate in the form of fat, "he says. Tom Sanders , director of Nutritional Sciences and Diabetes at King's College London .

The carbohydrates They are found in whole grains, fruits, vegetables and dairy products. They are also found in refined foods , bread, white flour, sugar and white rice. Consume them in excess cause obesity and its lack, anemia .

I agree with you National Institutes of Health of the United States, a diet based on 2 thousandcalories , 50% or 60% must come from the carbohydrates . In our gallery we present low dinners in carbohydrates .

Video Medicine: Super Easy Keto/Low Carb Meal Prep! (May 2024).