To get fit as a dancer!

Do you want to have a toned and thin body like Charlize Theron ? The South African actress is one of the most beautiful women in the show, because she respects her plan feeding and 100% training. To make you look just as sensational, we share with you the exercise routine by Charlize Theron.

In information published by , your personal trainer Fedele De Santis says Charlize Theron practices spinning , yoga and includes the following exercises to achieve a slender, long and toned body.


To get fit as a dancer!

Before starting the exercise routine of Charlize Theron you must have about two kilo weights, a chair and a rug. Do not forget to work each group of muscles :

1.- Push-ups: Sit with your back straight and your feet firmly on the floor. Grab a dumbbell with each hand. Place the arms straight on the sides and move them without bending them back. Keep them in this position, exhale and slowly bend your arms up, let the cuff links touch your shoulders. Go down again and repeat 60 times.

2.- Laterals: Grab the weights, stand up straight with your arms stretched out to the sides. Raise the arms to the sides, so that both are parallel to the floor. Hold this position for a few seconds and return to the starting position. Do 35 repetitions.

3.- Buttock lift: Lie on your back. Flex your knees and separate them so that they are at your hip height. Place your arms next to your body with palms facing down. Tilt the pelvis and squeeze the buttocks while slowly raising the hips, as high as you can. Hold for a few seconds and return to the starting position. Do 75 repetitions.

4.- Bicycles: Lie on your back and contract the muscles of your abdomen. Place your hands under your head and raise your knees to a 45 degree angle. It mimics the movement of a bicycle's pedaling. After a few seconds try to touch the knees with your elbows. Do 60 repetitions.

5.- Bar: Lie face down and let all your weight hold with your hands and the tips of your feet. Contract the abs and keep the body in a straight line. Hold this position for 60 seconds and return to the beginning. Do 30 repetitions.

The South African actress exercises an hour and a half for five days a week where she includes these exercises . He also practices a bit of yoga , spinning , run, skate, make bike outdoors and loves to dance.

At the end of his physical activities, he usually does some stretching to increase his flexibility and drinks a lot of water to hydrate his body after exercise and maintain a skin radiant.

Even Charlize Theron combines her Exercise routine with a diet balanced, that is, it consumes totally organic proteins, vegetables and colorful fruits; In addition, it gradually reduces its caloric intake and prevents the consumption of fried foods, rice, bread and pasta. And you, how do you keep fit? If you want to know more exercise routines, click here.

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