Thumb sucking produces well-being

The suction it is a normal, natural and to some extent healthy reflex in children. The reasons why a baby he suck your finger they are not entirely clear; this habit seems not to be motivated by hunger, and through various studies it has been proven that babies feel comfort or wellbeing suck your finger or when using a pacifier .

Not all babies have the same instinct to suction , some begin to suck your finger from the moment they are born, or even before (since they are in the uterus ) while others never get to do it.

In general, most children leave this habit without help between 2 and 4 years, so you should not worry unless the suction :

  1. Be very intense
  2. It lasts for many hours during the day
  3. It lasts all night and not only while conciliating the dream
  4. Has caused changes in the position of teeth , the mouth or the lips

What are the negative effects of thumb sucking?

  1. The muscular force required to do so can modify the shape of the mouth and the position of teeth and the lips .
  2. A prolonged habit can lead to a deformation at palate , disorders when swallowing and calluses in the Finger.
  3. If the habit continues when the permanent front teeth begin to sprout, it will alter the positioning of the teeth.
  4. According to the Dental Association of the United States s, the age at which a child should discontinue this habit is at 2 years of age, because if he continues to suck his finger increases the risk of developing problems in the jaw .
  5. In some cases the child may have language problems.


Some specialists suggest that parents first combat the habit of suck your finger during the night, since, for the number of hours, it can be more harmful than doing it during the day, for this they suggest:

  1. Because it is an involuntary process, it may require an attachment that prevents the child from sucking his or her finger, for example putting a very long sleeves shirt on to sleep, with stitched cuffs. This can be more effective than putting gloves or socks on your hands, since you can take them off.
  2. Offer a soft toy that you can hug during the night to keep your hands busy.

During the day:

  1. Instead of reprimanding him when he suck your finger , praise him when he does not
  2. Spend as much time as possible with your child doing activities that require the use of hands, for example, assemble puzzles or draw
  3. Set goals gradually. Start by asking him to try not to suck his thumb while watching television, and gradually increase the activities until he stops doing it
  4. You can give him a small reward for each day he has been successful


If you have tried several alternatives without success, it is advisable that you consult with the dentist or with the pediatrician about others methods . In some cases it is necessary to place a "trap" in the child's mouth, that is, a device that prevents the finger from being placed comfortably on the child. palate , which little by little discourages the habit .

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