Detoxify your armpit!

If you feel embarrassed to raise your arms by the dirt under them, you need to learn how to clean the armpits effectively, while preventing the development of several diseases, including breast cancer.

Cancer is caused by physical, chemical and biological carcinogens. These "cell transformers", in the form of food, cosmetics, health care products, and more, have become "normal" for us.

In 2007, a study was published in the Journal of Inorganic Biochemestry, which specifies that women who used anti-perspirants had deposits of aluminum in their outer breast tissue. The concentrations were higher in the tissue closer to the axilla than in the central sinus.

Aluminum is a neurotoxin that has been experimentally shown to be related to all types of diseases (such as Alzheimer's disease).

Many deodorants also contain triclosan, which recently made the news through alternative means after a study published in the journal Chemical Research in Toxicology, which found that the chemical stimulates the growth of cancer cells.


Detoxify your armpit!

To prevent the development of cancer or underarm spots, prepare the following homemade recipe.


1 tablespoon organic apple cider vinegar

3 drops of rosemary essential oil

5 drops of coriander essential oil

1 tablespoon of bentonite clay

Mix the vinegar and the clay in a glass container; add the essential oils slowly.

Apply a small portion on the armpits and leave it for five minutes. Wash and repeat every day.

He also drinks a lot of water, since the body needs it to eliminate all those toxins through the pores.

The best way to prevent toxic overload here is to simply be more cautious of the products you buy and what they contain.

If you want to know more information visit A Lucid Life

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Video Medicine: I Tested The Infamous Armpit Detox (May 2024).