Changes in body and mind

What do celebrities like Cristiano Ronaldo, Taylor Swift and Donald Trump have in common? Maybe you think it's fame, but it's really your egocentric and narcissistic personality . Not in vain are they hated and loved at the same time.

But what does it mean to be a self-centered person ? According to Susan Krauss Whitbourne, a professor at the University of Massachusetts, is when someone is admired and reveres excessively, thinks it is perfect and everything is fine.


The egomaniac has a distortion of reality, to the extent that he feels omnipotent: he knows everything and can do it. In other words, he feels superior to others. "


Changes in body and mind

It is very easy to distinguish egocentric people, you just need to pay attention to your body Y behavior . For example,


  1. They always maintain a straight posture
  2. They look impeccable at all times (they are vain)
  3. They seek approval from others and like to be praised
  4. They are usually charming to seduce others
  5. They think they can do everything without anyone's help
  6. They believe they are always right
  7. They have a false self-confidence
  8. They have "dreams" of greatness
  9. He shows little sensitivity to others
  10. They are usually lonely and pessimistic

Any person can be self-centered , but it is proven by the University of Southern California that celebrities are more self-centered and narcissistic. An example of this are the celebrities shown in the photo gallery.