5 keys to improve your personal growth

In these days it is normal that the issue of personal growth is heard everywhere. Even issues to develop our potential bombard books, chats, pages and social networks, so we can get to lose ourselves and not know what to do, therefore, what you need are keys to improve your personal growth.

The psychologist Carlos Odriozola It summarizes in a simpler way how human beings can develop their virtues and diminish their defects to achieve a satisfying and happy life. He proposes the following:

  1. Listen to your body: Your mind can deceive your body, no. Close your eyes, breathe in from the abdomen and see through your body, recognizing it. Where it hurts, where there are contractions or what you feel. Ask yourself and listen to what your body tells you. Keep a dialogue with that party to know where you will work.
  2. Rescue your opposites: You have hidden potentials that you probably do not know. Ask the people you trust to give you your most outstanding features. With this you work your opposites; that is, if you are strong, your opposite is weakness. How many times do you make yourself strong so they do not abuse you ...
  3. Attention to judgments : Judgments to others is a weapon that the ego has to emphasize devaluing the other. You should not attribute the truth, justice or objectivity to sentence the opposite because with that same intolerance you will judge yourself. It is convenient that you check your judgments with tolerance and understanding.
  4. Dedicate half an hour a day for you: Throughout the day we accumulate information and rarely do we pause to listen to our inner self. Take half an hour a day to review what you did, what gave you joy, what frustrated you, what annoyed you and what we have to thank. Write it down in a journal and this will help you assess what you still need to work on and what you're doing well.
  5. Take care of your body: Practicing aerobic exercise, stretching and eating a balanced diet are the basis of a good quality of life.

These five tips can be practiced without sacrificing much time or money, and you will gain a lot in the knowledge and development of our potential. Always try to be happy!

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