The stomach and the affections

The digestive system is a reflection of the psychological and emotional situation of those who live in the daily stress of modern societies. The difficulty of digestion, gastric heaviness, inflammation or abdominal pain, nausea, among other digestive problems, are an example of this.

For the specialists of the Psychosomatic Medical Center of Seville (Spain), one of the most outstanding Spanish institutions in this specialty, functional gastric diseases are a constant in psychopathology.


The stomach and the affections

The stomach is the organ of reception of food, food is associated, from the first days of life, with affection. Digestive problems such as pain can reflect, from the psychosomatic point of view, the feeling of not feeling loved, or feeling rejected (or the fear of being rejected), by someone that matters to us.

The specialists think that it is possible to give the case of an individual who was too spoiled as a child, so that, no matter how much welfare he has in later times, he never feels satisfied.

In this case, the feeling of hunger may be constant, no amount of food is enough to placate it and there is a tendency to obesity.

Experts say that this constant feeling of emptiness is really "hunger for love", because it never receives enough to equal its early experience of fulfillment.


Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Being aware of our needs for affection can shift the somatization to an accentuated conscious discomfort, until it is properly elaborated and "digested".

Such may be the caseIrritable Bowel Syndrome (SCI), capable of seriously affecting the quality of life of the millions of people who suffer from it in the world.

For psychosomatic physicians, their treatment and cure is achieved through the use of cognitive-behavioral psychotherapeutic strategies and the medication regulating the spasm of the digestive tract in its various sections.

This syndrome is a common problem related to the functioning of the intestines. In the opinion of experts, stress can trigger symptoms in people. Therefore, they recommend talking with the family doctor about the best practices for dealing with stress such as exercise, relaxation or meditation training, and even the possibility of taking psychological therapy.


Compulsive Dining

Another problem related to an inflamed abdomen is the so-called Compulsive Dining Syndrome. For Dr. Arieh Goldberg, bariatric doctor and specialist in eating disorders, it is the most common disorder and is suffered by both people with obesity and those with normal weight.

Compulsive eating is characterized by eating a large amount of food, losing control of what you eat. People with this syndrome, adds Dr. Goldberg, feel guilty for not being able to control their food intake and become obsessed with their weight.

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Video Medicine: Liver Affections: Awful sinking in the stomach. © Pankaj Oudhia (May 2024).