Special care of vaccines

For 200 years it has been found that vaccinations are secure Y efficient . Thanks to them, diseases have been eradicated. Today, children do not die from polio, measles, diphtheria or tetanus, he told GetQoralHealth , Rodrigo Romero Feregrino , technical secretary of the Mexican Association of Vaccinology .


Cases isolated and unfortunate as that of the 31 children of the municipality of Simojovel in Chiapas , who had adverse reactions after the application of BCG (Tuberculosis), Rotavirus and Hepatitis B, do not it must be the barrier that prevent to the people get vaccinated , warns doctor Romero .

The important thing is to be clear about the Benefits of vaccines, know the care that should be given and what should be taken during its application to be safe, effective and, reducing any possibility of risk .


Special care of vaccines

The technical secretary of the Mexican Association of Vaccinology explains that the vaccinations they must have a process and special handling , since they are made until they reach the site where they will be applied.

Vaccines must be kept at a temperature adequate at all times, between 2 and 8 ° Celsius , otherwise they lose their immunological reaction.

Among the types of vaccines are those that are made with live attenuated viruses and proteins.

Video Medicine: Vaccines Not Just Kid Stuff (April 2024).