Some pros ...

If you are about to start a new plan to lose weight that contemplates the fast or the intermittent fasting , you must take into account your current health. If you consume tobacco or alcohol and you diet does not provide you with necessary nutrients , fasting can bring consequences.

Some studies on the consequences of fast they assure that the practice has its pros and cons. The Heart Institute of the Intermountain Center , United States, made several researches about the effects of this practice in more than 200 healthy individuals during periods of 24 hours, in which, fasting unleashed multiple changes in their organism.

Some pros ...

1. It helps you burn fat . Fasting causes hungry Y stress , in response, the body releases more cholesterol and allows you to use fat as power source instead of glucose, only for a certain time.

2. - Decreases adipocytes. The adipocytes they are fat cells in the organism . This is important because the less adipocytes have the organism , will be less likely to developdiabetes .

3. Help generate HGH . Human growth hormone (HGH), known as "the fitness hormone," intervenes in the physical condition Y longevity , including muscle growth and the increase in fat loss by accelerating your metabolism .
According to a study of American College of Cardiology , in New Orleans, fasting increases HGH in women by 1,300%, and men by 2,000%.

Some cons ...

4. It will make your brain hungry. While most tissues can obtain fuel from fatty acids , the brain do not. The neurons they need glucose to perform his vital functions.

After 4 hours of fasting, your body begins to consume glucose that you brain you need, which leaves you without fuel. That's why fasting should not last for many hours.

5. It affects your nervous system. For him brain fasting represents an "abnormal diet" and generates consequences in the nervous system , so it is likely that prolonged malnutrition leaves sequels in the brain by injuries of the neurons . These can be irreversible in the most serious cases.
6. Produces a bad mood. A report from Center for Disease Control notes that skipping breakfast negatively affects the ability to to concentrate Y solve problems effectively. Everything will depend on how many hours you spend without food. After a prolonged period, the anxiety and the stress that produces hunger will also affect your good humor .

7. Consume more for anxiety . Not carrying the fast correctly, generates episodes of anxiety. Eating sugars, fats, or excess food can be a natural response of your body, which will ruin the initial intention of fasting. Therefore, you should consult an expert and not start on your own.

No alcohol, caffeine and cigar.

While confirming positive findings about fasting, the Heart Institute recommends that to reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases Y lose weight It is advisable to do exercise and eat healthy. Implement fasting without excluding the consumption of alcohol and tobacco will bring strong deterioration to your health in a short time.
Remember that you must analyze all the factors that intervene in the fast and prepare physically to avoid consequences unwished.

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