5 keys for happy children

Adults assume that the childhood It is the happiest stage of a person's life, but it is not always like that. Many children feel sad and in extreme cases may suffer from depression, anxiety , stress and irritability.

In an interview for GetQoralHealth , with the psychologist Elizabeth López , points out that children learn to be happy through the education provided at home. The expert gives you five suggestions that help you achieve it.

1. Positive thoughts. Children who grow up with a positive attitude before the world they are more secure and trust more in themselves. Positive people control their mind better and their interpretations of reality. They are generous and responsible people; they get depressed less and are much loved by their friends, family, etc.

2. Say no to labels. These limit and harm the development of children's identity. "You are a silly child" or "you do not know how to do anything" are descriptions that predispose the child to mold his attitude to fit this profile. The best way to develop happiness in children is to treat them as if they were what they should be to turn them into what they can potentially be.

3. Achievements Children are happier if they achieve their goals on their own merits. Teach him to set goals and not to fear failure. You do not have to give them everything they ask for. From birth to adolescence, children suffer from "insatiable child syndrome", where their attitudes lead to problems of personality and conduct, causing isolation, marginalization and personal dissatisfaction.

4. Independence Children become independent of their father's environment as they grow, this boosts their self-esteem. Let him do some simple activities of the home, in this way you educate him in equality. It is about favoring a correct autonomy in the child that makes him happier and safer.

5. Emotional intelligence. It is very important that you learn to control and regulate your emotions to solve problems. This generates tranquility and harmony in the character of the children. In this way the children develop their individual personal knowledge, their identity, their self esteem and determines to a large extent success in adult life.

Psychologists mention that happiness depends only 10% of external factors and although the ability to be happy is something innate, it is in oneself to increase it. Being happy depends exclusively on acts and thoughts. You can work with children to learn to be happier from childhood.

Video Medicine: 3 Tips to Raise Self-Confident Children (April 2024).