Go ahead and enjoy the pleasure of cooking!

Do not you like to prepare food? Homemade food has many benefits for your health, because you can control the quantity and quality of the dishes; In addition, it helps you to prevent chronic degenerative diseases such as diabetes or obesity.

According to specialists from the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics , people consume 50% more calories, fat and sodium when they eat food outside the home.


Go ahead and enjoy the pleasure of cooking!

In information published by The Huffington Post It is detailed that more and more people eat outside the home, for example, in 1900 only 2% of the population consumed food outside the home, while in the current period they do more than 50%.

So that you are not part of the statistics and better your eating habits, GetQoralHealth shares five reasons for you to enjoy the pleasure of cooking:

1.- Save your life: Foods sold in restaurants, especially fast food, have large amounts of fat, sugar and sodium, which triggers overweight, obesity, diabetes, hypertension and high cholesterol levels.

When cooking you can substitute this type of ingredients for other healthier and better quality, to have good health.

2.- Close links: When preparing food close ties with the couple, family and friends. Encourage union and community by sharing cooking skills.

3.- Educa: The director of Institute of Nutritional Education He explains that cooking at home teaches children about a balanced diet and the importance of sharing tasks.

4.- Healthy weight: According to the portal Alecardio Connection When you prepare your food you control the calories, so you can lose weight in a healthy and natural way.

5.- You save money: Eating food in restaurants is very expensive if you do it every day, so cooking and bringing your food to work is a good option for your pocket. Even, it also gives you more time because you do not have to wait to order and pay.

Remember that when preparing food you control everything, from the quality of the food, its properties and, best of all, consume what you like, so do not think about it any more, improve your eating habits and consent to your family with your favorite dishes. Advantage!

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