Revert your damages!

Do you diet, but do not lose weight? The cause could be in your sugar intake. Food that damages the mitochondria of cells; which causes them to decrease their ability to eliminate fat. The metabolism loses speed and alterations occur in organs such as the liver and kidneys.

Its excessive intake leads to biochemical alterations that manifest themselves in the metabolic syndrome: overweight , alteration of fats in the blood and in its form of accumulation, "he said at a conference Sanki, David Alcántar Sánchez, expert in Clinical and Geriatric Nutrition.


Revert your damages!


Each food you consume, your body absorbs it and degrades it into carbohydrate and starch, which is transformed into sugar, "says David.

Video Medicine: MY HAIR WONT REVERT? I WANT MY CURLS BACK WITH NO HEAT DAMAGE! | journeytowaistlength (May 2024).