Reprogram your brain

Ancestral discipline, the practice of yoga offers a lot of benefits for health. According to the expert Andrew Weill , performing this activity on a regular basis helps older women improve stability and balance by preventing falls associated with osteoporosis, since weight is distributed better.

In addition, the Yogi Swami Sivananda points out that the exercise of some asanas can have a surprising effect on the person; It acquires a better figure, it gains luminosity in the face and eyes and a peculiar charm in its smile. However, can the practice of yoga affect the body internally, for example, our brain?

Reprogram your brain

In a study published by the Journal of Physical Activity and Health 20 minutes is enough for your brain to start changing through yoga. If you want to know what these alterations are, here we tell you some of them.

1. Greater concentration. In accordance with Neha Gothe, former student of the University of Illinois and professor at Wayne University, The breathing and meditation exercise of yoga seek to calm the mind and teach the body to focus.

2. Helps to perform metal tasks and daily activities.

3. According to a study of the image laboratory of the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA), People who meditate have more volume of neurons in the hippocampus and in areas such as the thalamus and orbifrontal cortex, which are linked to the control of emotions.

4. It involves a progression of postures interspersing isometric contractions and relaxation of different muscle groups.

5. Breathing and meditation help maintain postures and focus attention.

6. Greater self-awareness

7. Researchers of the Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology they point out that practicing the technique of meditation Buddhism "insight meditation", generates a superior thickness in the parts of the brain responsible for the attention and to process the external sensory stimuli.

Performing 30 minutes of physical activity can change your life, improve your physical and mental health. What are you waiting to try?

Video Medicine: Program Your Mind While You Sleep | Dr. Bruce Lipton (May 2024).