Daily modify them without knowing

Every part of our body is integrated by them. These are part of our heritage, identity and the attitude we have in life; But are there actions that can modify our genes?

According to Ananya Mandal specialist , the genes are the working subunits of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid). Each gene contains a certain set of instructions, usually coding for a particular protein or for a particular function.

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Daily modify them without knowing

Unknowingly, consciously, daily perform actions that modify them and change the way you perceive your world. Thus GetQoralHealth we offer you three of these:

1. Sex Researchers of the University of East Anglia, through a text exposed by the magazine Proceedings B of the Royal Society , revealed that sex can elicit remarkable responses in women, including changes in their fertility, immune system, libido, diet and sleep patterns, by activating various sets of genes.

2. Happiness A study, published by the magazine Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), and conducted by the University of California and the University of North Carolina discovered that the positive psychological state of a person influences the expression of their genes. And what is more interesting, the different types of happiness have different effects on the human genome.

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Eudaimonic well-being, that is, the kind of happiness that comes from leading a full and "meaningful" life, stimulates the expression of favorable genetic profiles in the cells of the immune system, promoting low levels of inflammation and a strong expression of linked genes. to antibodies and antiviral molecules; Hedonistic well-being, comes from self-satisfaction and obtaining pleasure, they experience the opposite: high levels of inflammation and few antibodies in their bodies.

3. Traumatic events . According to an investigation published by the Proceedings of the National Academy Sciences, Exposure to a strong event can cause genetic changes that alter the body's immune system, leading to post-traumatic stress disorder.

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There are other actions such as the exercise that can modify your genetics. You dare?

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