Relief of menstrual cramps

There are many medicinal properties that have been found in the use of marijuana, and although it is also warned of the risks of consuming it in excess, studies have been carried out in Mexico to discuss the therapeutic use of more than 40 diseases.

Although a law seeks through the Ministry of Health new policies for the medicinal use of cannabis through medical prescriptions and issued in certified pharmacies, these are some of the uses for women's health:


Relief of menstrual cramps

One of the main components of marijuana (THC), help to soothe pain and relax muscles. It also helps reduce swelling, nausea and pain caused by Pre Menstrual Syndrome.

But also, various studies suggest that it favors recovery from pain after childbirth and strengthen the uterine musculature.

Video Medicine: Menstrual Cramp Remedy Medical Course (May 2024).