Hemophilia is a disease of men

Known in Europe as "the disease of princes", the hemophilia it is a disorder hereditary in which blood does notcoagulates, which causes abundant blood loss if there is a wound, or more serious a spontaneous internal hemorrhage , especially in the joints and muscles.

This disease affects the male sex more often than the female sex; in Mexico it occurs in 1 in 5 thousand men, but what is hemophilia?

According to Federation of Hemophilia of the Mexican Republic, a person with hemophilia does not have one of the coagulation factors found usually in the blood.

This disease is transmitted through the X chromosome (inherited by the mother), because the woman has two X chromosomes one enters to replace the mutation of the other. In the case of mens by having a chromosomal combinationXY the mutation is present.

Although it can happen, it is very rare for a woman to suffer from it, it can only happen if the father has the disease and the mother is a carrier of the hemophilia gene. Then your daughter will have the abnormal gene on its two X chromosomes

The most common forms are TO and the B . People with hemophilia A (classic hemophilia) are deficient in factor VIII, people with Hemophilia B (also called Christmas disease) are deficient in factor IX.

How are the bleeds presented?

Despite what is usually believed, people with hemophilia they do not bleed in greater quantity or faster than normal, but rather they bleed for a longer time.

These cause very intense pain and inflammation and, when not treated promptly and adequately, cause disabilities severe ones that harm for life to the patient.

The bleeding most frequent are internal and may not be visible, and mainly affect the joints like knees, ankles and elbows.


Is there a treatment to control hemophilia?

The treatment consists of poor protein supply into the bloodstream with concentrates from coagulant factor in adequate amounts, for enough time to counteract the injury.

A person with hemophilia severe can bleed between 35 and 50 times per year, all bleeding should be treated immediately to avoid permanent damage.

There is bleeding very dangerous that they put at risk of death to the person who suffers, such as those of Central Nervous System , so they must be treated with extreme urgency.

People with hemophilia They are born with her and maintain this condition throughout her life. Each bleeding must be attended to in a timely manner; in this way, people with this condition, They can lead a normal, productive life without disabilities.

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Video Medicine: Hemophilia 7 - Tattoos (April 2024).