Reasons to meditate

To meditate It has many benefits for you Health . With this practice you reduce the stress , you calm anxiety and improve your ability to concentration , due to the changes it produces in different areas of the brain .

A study of Massachusetts General Hospital confirm that you brain change with the meditation because doing so stimulates the hippocampus , an area related to learning, memory, self-awareness and introspection.

With this technique, the brain It reacts to high and low frequency waves -beta, alpha, theta, delta and gamma- that help control the states of awareness and reach levels of learning , concentration , relaxation , creativity and alertness.

For Britta Hölzel , researcher of Massachusetts General Hospital Department of Psychiatry of the United States, it is surprising to see how the activity of brain change with the meditation to reach states wellness physical and emotional.


Reasons to meditate

Meditation is a millenary practice with very positive effects that the neuroscience confirm. It has been observed that those who meditate have a thicker layer of the cerebral cortex which translates into greater agility mental.

People who meditate have a thicker layer of the cerebral cortex, which translates into greater mental agility.

According to the National Science Foundation , this habit can be acquired if they dedicate only 20 minutes for three days. On the other hand, there are studies that confirm that the quality of dream improvement when applying the technique for two months.

Another very good reason why meditating is that the risks of having a problem cardiac and of blood pressure 50% decrease, according to a study of the Medical College of Wisconsin , U.S.

There are many benefits you can achieve if you give yourself time to meditate. We share this note that will help you: How to learn to meditate