Psychological therapy, when to start?

¿Psychological therapy ? For many people the mere mention of these two words means illness, disorders or madness; however, the reality is completely different, since psychological assistance is a tool that helps people to control and face problems of daily life.

No one, apart from you, can decide or judge if you need advice of this kind. Usually, a person goes to a psychological therapy When suffering from a suffering or some kind of emotional problem, anguish, depression, anxiety and these exceed the limits of the individual.

There are times when a small orientation is sufficient, but there are others that it is necessary to go to a psychological therapy . Thus, GetQoralHealth It tells you some reasons or questions that can help you know if you require the support of specialists.

1. When the discomforts increase every day more.

2. If you feel you do not have the strength to face the problems yourself.

3. Feeling always vulnerable to everyday problems.

4. When the problem itself is affecting job performance, social and family.

5. Not being able to face the distressing and desperate circumstances and, you get to think that these problems have no solution and that everything has come to an end.

6. If you suffer prolonged depression.

7. Abuse of substances or activities that put health at risk.

8. If you feel overwhelmed.

People who come to a psychological therapy, they go through a series of difficulties that they can not face alone, even if they have made the attempt.

Remember, your physical and mental health is in your hands, therefore you are the only one who can decide if you need help or not. Love and love, you are important, always keep it in mind.

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Video Medicine: Therapy: How to start and what to say #KatiFAQ (May 2024).