Properties of honey

According to the document "Beekeeping and sustainable livelihoods", prepared by the Department of Agriculture of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the honey It has a series of values ​​that place it as one of the most appreciated foods on the planet and, at the same time, as an interesting source of information.

1. Food . The honey It is appreciated in all parts of the world as a sweet and appetizing food. In periods of scarcity, it is a rich source of carbohydrates and it adds an important nutritional diversity in a diet that is too poor. Besides, the honey it occupies an important place in the preparation of many traditional foods.

2. Medicine or syrup . Many people on the planet use honey as medicine or syrup , as well as in special treatments for minors. Day by day, the modern medicine the use of the honey in a wide variety of medications.

3. Product of commercial value. The fresh honey local is always considered to be of better quality than honey import, which favors many beekeepers sell their products directly to the consumer public.


Natural diet

The honey It is often used as an exchange asset in some villages, especially in remote or isolated areas due to war or economic blockades. In addition, it is a stable good that is preserved for a long time and in any place, as long as it is carefully harvested.

4. Export item. With the improvement of living standards, the consumption of honey . This is very evident in the industrialized countries that import it more and more to be able to satisfy their growing demand.

This means an important source of foreign currency for developing countries that export honey. The largest exporters of honey are Mexico, China and Argentina.

5. Cultural element. The honey It is widely used as a source of sugars to produce wine Y honey beer . It also has a high cultural value: consume honey or use it for ointments is part of many traditional ceremonies, births, weddings, or funerals. In the African tribes Masai, the honey it is used to pay the value of the wife, and in Ethiopia honey wine is offered in marriages.