President of Paraguay in treatment of chemo

The president of Paraguay , Fernando Armindo Lugo Méndez was submitted to its fifth session of chemotherapy , as part of the treatment that is being applied due to a tumor of lymphatic cancer what ails him and that he was diagnosed last August 2010.

Fortunately, I successfully completed this penultimate session , informed Alfredo Boccia, coordinator of the presidential medical team; so his duties as agent they will not be interrupted , since the lymphoma that Lugo Mendez is a victim of is controllable and treatable.

But what is a lymphoma?

The lymphoma is simply defined as a type of Cancer at lymphatic system . The British doctor Thomas Hodgkin he was the first to publish initial descriptions of the disease in 1832, so the disease was named.

A Cancer It appears when cells from various parts of our body begin to behave abnormally. Sometimes, the normal cells they transform and begin to multiply and grow. This is the formation of cancer cells. When these grow, the affected organ it stops working usually. Several of the cancer cells they also begin to leave the original site and pass to other parts of the body, affecting other organs.

The lymphatic system It consists of an interconnected network with thickness nodes and tubes that transport the white blood cells . When a lymphocyte (a specific type of white blood cell), in the lymphatic system becomes cancerous, will tend to multiply and grow leading to Lymphoma formation.



What part of the body is usually affected by the lymphoma?

The Cancer can affect any part of the lymphatic system . In general, patients initially notice an abnormal enlargement of the lymph nodes , especially in the areas of groin , the neck and the armpits . However, lymphoma can also manifest itself in other organs of the body. This is because minimal amounts of lymphatic tissue pass to almost all organs of the body through the white blood cells, to combat infections .

This type of Cancer it is the most usual way of blood cancer or of hematologic malignancy especially in developed countries.

According to the data published by the National Institute of E.U. of Health, Hodgkin's lymphoma, represents about 1% of the total cancer cases in that country. Patients with HIV infection, exposure to certain medications and drugs have a higher incidence to suffer from lymphoma for obvious reasons.

Many forms of lymphoma are painless (they occur throughout life, even without the medication or treatment ) or aggressive (cause a rapid deterioration of health and finally death). However, most cases of aggressive lymphomas are responding perfectly to treatment. In other words, they are curable .

This condition is not a single type of Cancer , since it is part of a group of several forms of cancers. There are around of 30 types different lymphoma identified. In a broad sense, lymphoma can be categorized as Hodgkin or Non-Hodgkin lymphoma . Of course, each type has its own characteristics and long-term manifestations and results.