Beyond the obvious

Whether it is to choose a path or to make a professional or sentimental decision, many people are usually guided by what they call "Internal voice", that for others is the intuition. But nevertheless, How is it possible to develop this aspect of our nature?


In accordance with Robin M. Hogarth, from Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona, the intuitions They can be classified into two large blocks. One type would be intuitive retrospective judgments that are diagnostic in nature. And in the second category would be the prospective inferences; that is, the predictions .


Beyond the obvious

We all have a degree of intuition , but few of us have developed it to the fullest. Here we tell you how to achieve it with information with the psychology expert, Carolyn Gregoire .

1. Listen to your inner voice. The main element that distinguishes someone intuitive from someone who does not, is that they stop at hear , instead of ignoring, the guidance of their intuitions and physical feelings

2. Time in solitude. If you want to get in touch with your intuition , leave the phone, the computer, the television and sit at home to be alone for a while. Here you can make the best decisions based on how you feel about it.

3. Observe carefully. The first thing you should do is realize it; Keep a diary and reflect on when strange things happen. You will gain a sharp sense of how often coincidences, surprising connections or precise intuitions occur in your daily life.

4. Listen to your body. If you have ever been nauseated or stomach ache When you knew something was wrong but you did not know exactly what, you can understand that intuition can cause physical sensations in the body. Pay attention.

5. Pay attention to your dreams. Take time to think about your dreams It is a way to communicate with your unconscious processes. Both dreams and intuition are born from the unconscious, so you can start uncovering this part of your mind by paying attention to your dreams. Dreams hold information about how to live your life.

Unlike deliberative thinking, intuition is often related to emotions. And it is that when we intuit we notice that we feel that idea and not that we think about it. Intuition is important because it reveals things about ourselves, desires, fears or certainties. Listen to your interior!

Video Medicine: "Go BEYOND the OBVIOUS!" | Gaur Gopal Das (@gaurgopald) | #Entspresso (April 2024).