Parkinson by decrease of smell

It has been found that people who have the disease Parkinson can not only have problems of movement control, but decrease the sense of smell , sleep disturbances Y gastrointestinal , in addition to depression , he claimed Mayela Rodríguez Violante , head of the Clinical Laboratory of Neurodegenerative Diseases of the National Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery "Manuel Velasco Suárez".

In this regard, Rodriguez Volante explained that according to a clinical investigation, the detection of these symptoms and not only of the movement, would allow an opportune diagnosis, since in general patients request medical attention when they have motor problems. He indicated that patients with Parkinson he depressed more than the rest of the population due to social stigma and that as this condition progresses there are not only alterations in a brain substance called dopamine , but in others related to sadness , anxiety Y Lack of sleep , as the serotonin Y noradrenaline . The head of the Clinical Laboratory of Neurodegenerative Diseases of the National Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery "Manuel Velasco Suárez" emphasized that this condition affects not only the mobility , but also produces alterations of smell , genitourinary Y depression , symptoms that have more negative impact on the quality of life of the patient, so they must be analyzed and also treated by the attending physician. He added that 75% of patients start with pain in elbows Y shoulders , which leads to unnecessary orthopedic surgeries and the delay of two to four years of detection of the disease. A person may suspect that he has Parkinson If, in addition to the aforementioned symptoms, the hand trembles at times in a state of rest, when walking does not perform the usual arm movement, it has rigidity , performs its activities slowly, the letters look smaller and it is difficult to understand them. At present, Rodríguez Violante said, there are new medications and surgical treatments that allow a better quality of life by ensuring that treatment is not interrupted and continuously releasing the substance that helps the patient. brain to its best performance.

Video Medicine: Early Screening Tools for Parkinson’s Disease (April 2024).