Myths about the vaginal lips

Although more and more women are seizing their sexuality and, consequently of their intimate health, there are still Myths that influence the mentality and well-being of each female; example, those that surround the vaginal lips.


The most widespread, but in which there is no truth, is that all the vaginal lips are the same size, and in reality it is not like that.

The size of the elder lips (external) is related to our fat cells. That is, the more overweight you have, this area tends to be larger, "suggests a study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine.

However, it is also an area that is usually reduced with the appearance of menopause.


Myths about the vaginal lips


1. They are part of the vagina

Technically no, these are actually part of the vulva. Although "vagina" is the term that many women occupy to refer to all the genital organs.


2. Fungal infections start here

Although this type of infection produces irritation and itching in both the labia majora and minor, they are not usually where the problem originates. This condition is usually caused by an imbalance of the bacterial flora of the vagina.

Video Medicine: Vaginal Cyst Medical Course (April 2024).