Menarca causes physical and emotional changes

The adolescence It is a period of transition between childhood and adulthood, whose main feature is the series of transformations physical Y emotional that all human beings experience.

This stage begins with the appearance of changes hormonal important that are manifested in the modification of the tone of voice, the presence of hair in different parts of the body, and in women with menarche and the growth of mammary glands , among others.

According to the Dr. Angélica Illescas , obstetrician-gynecologist, menarche is the term used to refer to the first episode of menstrual bleeding that presents a Teen , which can be experienced dramatically if girls do not have enough information to understand and cope with this event.

The specialist points out that it is from this event when you must pay special attention to the intimate area to avoid future complications, and gives the following recommendations:

  1. They are recommended towels that do not contain perfumes or additives to prevent the area genital get irritated; they should not be left for more than four hours to prevent the blood from rotting, producing bad odor and favor the appearance of vaginal infections .
  2. The use of tampons should be in special situations such as swimming or performing a sport , but not as routine because they are an excellent medium for the cultivation of bacteria and the proliferation of infections . It is also recommended to wash your hands before and after placing them, change them constantly and do not use them when sleeping.
  3. The genital odor is produced by the secretion of pheromones from the apocrine glands; under normal conditions it is not unpleasant and must be distinguished from that produced by an infection.
  4. The use of deodorant, soaps and perfumes can be counterproductive, because the vaginal flora and causes the development of microorganisms causes of infections . Sponges, gloves and grasses are tools that can have a high microbial load and act as vehicles for infection .

In the next video, the Dr. Julie Salamón It makes some recommendations to relieve pain in menstruation.


Medical check

If any of the following occur symptom , do not self-medicate, it is best to go to your gynecologist to give you the right treatment

1. Very strong cramps

2. Bleeding abundant and for more than eight days

3. Severe headache

4. Dizziness

5. Irregular cycles

6.    Flow white, yellow or greenish

7. Any alteration in the genitals

Video Medicine: A Girl Suddenly Grew A Beard. Here's What Was Happening In Her Ovaries. (May 2024).