Majority of A. Let's run!

In a working environment you can find a wide range of types of collaborators. There are those who are known for their efficiency and are very valuable to the organization, while others may be 'pebbles on the road', so you should quickly find a solution.

Under the magnifying glass of the work climate, being feared or loved has no relation with the famous reflection of Nicolás Machiavelli, but with the attitude with which we walk in the corridors and do our work. And you, how do you walk in these lands? Find out with this test.

1. At work, one of your dreams is:
a) Have a golden rule: You do what I say.
b) Not having to see someone!
c) That the teams work efficiently.

2. How long will it take you to answer an email?
a) It depends ...
b) I check it continuously, but I do not always answer them.
c) It almost takes nothing, as soon as I read it I answer it.

3. If you hear the word delegate, you think about:
a) 'Someone' already has more work.
b) We will have to distribute the earrings.
c) Entrust responsibilities.

4. How do you rate the type of pretexts you use?
a) Innovators. For me it is impossible to say 'there is no north in Veracruz' or 'there is a lot of traffic', because I consider them obsolete. I invest time in thinking new.
b) Classics. I appeal to those who do not fail as 'there are works' or 'I already spoke to him but he does not answer me', but I use them exclusively in cases of emergency.
c) Unmistakable. I do not have much imagination and when I came to tell you, you easily know that I lie.

5. If people had the opportunity to rate your attitude at work, what grade would you have?
a) Nobody can deny that I do work ... what happens is that I do not get along with the majority.
b) I believe that 8 or 9 depends on who you ask.
c) In general, they would rate it as good.

Majority of A. Let's run!

Urge a stop on the road. Why so much anger? It is true that coexistence is almost an art, but your attitude does not help at all. Maybe it's a good time to think if you have to look for new work horizons or, reflect on the causes of your disagreement to solve them and turn the page to the chapter


Most of B. Between blue and good night

It is necessary to discover what bothers you about some aspects of your work, since suddenly you must do the odd tantrum. Your responsibilities are carried out in a timely manner, so if you improve your communication with others and -just if possible- increase your patience, you will see the fruits quickly. Your classmates should perceive you as someone capable but who should be 'found the way'. Do not allow that image to prevail when you have a lot to contribute and you can shine for other reasons.

Majority of C. Wind in stern

Surely many of your colleagues value your attitude and have a high concept of your commitment to work. Our advice is that you do not fall into your comfort zone and do not neglect the processes that you already have practically dominated. It is likely that you face trials that make your patience tremble, but you always go ahead and shake off conformism with great success.

"Self-esteem is the strength of your voice"

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