
On Facebook it has become a "tradition" to place on images of profiles or on the wall the image of a black bow in mourning. Publications in The Huffington Post reveal that since 2012, 30 million people who had accounts in Facebook they died

Death is an inevitable fact for every living being; Psychologists, anthropologists, religious, philosophers and scientists have tried to give a "version" of what death is, in order to delay or avoid the process; or give consolation and hope to loved ones to overcome the loss.

The way of life changes over time and for our "technology age" in GetQoralHealth and with information from Facebook , we present you what happens when a person dies and leaves his social network. Cheer up!


The "new" mourning ...

1. "Immortalize" Facebook offers the option to convert the account of the deceased person into a Commemorative Account This account does not allow anyone to log in, according to the privacy of the deceased, friends and family can share memories. Anyone can send messages to the deceased, they do not appear as "Friends' suggestion" and the photos are only visible to those who had this access in life.

2. "Unsubscribe" Another option that Facebook offers is to definitively terminate the account, a relative who fully verifies his identity can perform this procedure through the page.

3. "In memory"? Facebook indicates that it is not allowed to create a biography "in memory" of a deceased person, that is why it offers the Commemorative Account or create a page or group.


How to request the commemorative account?

  1. First enter the tab Help, then go to Use the help servicea, after this it will open Help for computers. This is where you press Management of your account.
  2. Later you go to How to deactivate accounts, eliminate them and turn them into commemorativeYes, there you are looking for the question: How do I request the contents of a deceased person's account?
  3. Next you will find the information to understand the process and click on the blue letters that say Send request, where it finally directs you to the format of Request for content from the account of a deceased person.

Information is key to protect your data and the people you love. Beware!