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For many it is a daily problem and difficult to avoid, but the awakening with the bloated body You can end up with only deleting or changing a few actions at the time of sleep.

A study of Carnegie Mellon University, affirms that stress makes the body more susceptible to inflammation, and the reason is in the cortisol , a hormone that regulates the response of organism since it is limited to control the functions that control the inflammation.


Look your real figure ...

However, it is not impossible to eliminate swelling, Here we give you some tips that will allow you to wake up lighter and thinner. Get them!

1. Low salt dinner. Keri Gans , author of "Diet of small changes" , says that during the night the salt stays in the body so it wakes up with swelling. The best option is to cook a healthy meal; example, steamed vegetables and a lean protein.

2. Get active at night! You will eliminate salts through exercise. Also, you'll sleep better, a study of the National Sleep Foundation affirms that active people are 56 to 67% more likely to get a good night's sleep dream .

3. Do you drink water? According to Gans, water is ideal for cleaning organism, but it is recommended that you stop your consumption one hour before going to sleep.

4. Total darkness. In this condition the body produces melatonin, a hormone that helps the body produce brown fat which burns calories, according to a study published in the Journal of Pineal Research.  

Another way to eliminate swelling is to maintain a balanced diet, which is low in sodium and high in foods rich in water. Remember that your health is in your hands. Beware!

Video Medicine: Painting latex hands to look real for life size figures-Michael Myers (April 2024).