Prevent is in your hands!

It is currently believed that it is not a factor but the combination of several that can cause colon cancer; example, smoking, obesity, alcohol consumption, lack of exercise, the reduction of fiber in the diet, and the increase in the carbohydrate diet, "he said in an interview GetQoralHealth, Ricardo Villalobos, Head of the High Specialty Medical Oncology Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital at the National Medical Center La Raza .


In accordance with Globocan the Colorectal cancer (CCR) ranks third in incidence and fourth in mortality worldwide, while in Mexico, 5.4% of cancer deaths are from CRC.


Prevent is in your hands!

For the expert Villalobos there are things that can favor the prevention of this disease. Check the information!

1. Monitor your colitis. Chronic inflammatory bowel disease too, such as ulcerative colitis, can increase the risk of developing this type of cancer.

2. Stop smoking. The cigar has a wide variety of carcinogenic substances, these are in direct contact with the organs, and therefore the nucleus of the cells, transforming them into cancer.

3. Be careful what you eat. Excessive consumption of red and processed meat (eg sausages). Also cooking meats at very high temperatures (frying or cooking on the grill) creates chemicals that can increase the cancer risk.

4. Avoid alcohol. People who consume alcohol in excess tend to have low levels of folic acid in the body. Therefore, the consumption of these drinks should be limited to no more than two drinks per day for men and one drink per day for women.

Another factor that can trigger this disease is genetics:


Approximately 50% of people suffering from this disease have a gene called RAS, "says specialist Villalobos.

Reason why it is important to keep a record of people, in the family that have had colon cancer.


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