Like your family

A well-known phrase affirms that the friends are brothers by decision ; in them you find company , support and pleasures in common, but you've asked yourself why do you you look so much to your friends ?


In addition to sharing hobbies Similar, scientists from the University of San Diego California Y Yale University in the United States , verify that your genes they influence when you choose who will be your friends .


Like your family

This new research confirms that yourfriends not only do they look like you personality , but until genetically are similar , that's why you get to consider them like you family .


Looking through all the genome we found that, on average, we are genetically similar to our friends . We have more DNA in common with our friends that with strangers in the same population, they claim James Fowler Y Nicholas Christakis , responsible for the study.

This similarity genetics leads to affirming that friends They are so linked as much as if they were cousins distant with ancestry of great grandparents , since they share 1% of their genes .


The 1% it may not seem like much to the average person, but for geneticists It's about a extraordinary number . Most do not even know they have cousins ​​friends and there are thousands of possibilities that are their relatives ", He said Christakis professor of sociology and evolutionary biology at Yale University .


Affinity attracted by smell

James Fowler Y Nicholas Christaki s say that friends have more affinity in genes related to smell; this sense us attracts toward environments Similar.

Another study of University of Liverpool reveals that people tend to look for friends attracted by reactions chemicals caused by pheromones , that send brain the signal of the wish to be with the ones you choose as friends .


Similar physical

Another reason that confirms that you look like your friends is the physical resemblance what do you have with them? The similarity of face help form lasting friendships , researchers of the University of Canada .


We have evolved as a species to prefer the company of people who it looks physically and they could belong or be similar to your family , researchers from the University of Canada .

This research published in Journal of the Royal Society shows that there is a predisposition of affection and friendship towards those who are believed to possess genes similar and therefore, with whom there are morecompatibility of character and ideas.


Friends strengthen

The friendship It is a bond that brings Benefits emotional Y physical . A study of University of Michigan confirms that when you identify with a group of friends you feel Dear , your levels of progesterone increase your levels of stress they diminish.


Be with friends who care about their feeding Y weight makes you more aware of your own body and prevents you from developing overweight , explains an investigation published in the magazine Obesity .

With these investigations, the science argues that the genes intervene in the choice of your friends and in his similar , that you base the preference with those who share pleasures , hobbies and ways to think similar . Have you noticed if you have a resemblance to your friends?